eeeClaudia Winkleman returns with the 3rd series of the reality game show. She welcomes a fresh batch of players to a castle in the Scottish Highlands, selects the Traitors and they then meet in the tower to select their first victim.
琪兰·席普卡,米兰达·奥图,露茜·戴维斯,罗斯·林奇,米歇尔·戈麦兹,钱斯·佩尔多莫,洁丝·辛克莱,理查德·柯伊尔,塔蒂·加布里埃,阿德莱恩·鲁道夫,阿比盖尔·F·考恩,嘉文·莱特伍德,杰迪代亚·古达克,艾米丽·海内,卢克·库克,泰·伍德,彼得·邦迪克,Skye P. Marshall,Lachlan Watson
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