bbbMargot and David come from different worlds. She is heiress to a hotel empire. He has to work three jobs to make ends meet. But when their paths come together, they realise that only they can help each other win back the love of their lives.
琪兰·席普卡,米兰达·奥图,露茜·戴维斯,罗斯·林奇,米歇尔·戈麦兹,钱斯·佩尔多莫,洁丝·辛克莱,理查德·柯伊尔,塔蒂·加布里埃,阿德莱恩·鲁道夫,阿比盖尔·F·考恩,嘉文·莱特伍德,杰迪代亚·古达克,艾米丽·海内,卢克·库克,泰·伍德,彼得·邦迪克,Skye P. Marshall,Lachlan Watson
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